

Ports and Services

Software Installed:

Nmap Scan Results:

Port 53 - DNS

CMD: dig any @ support.htb

Port 445 - File Sharing SMB

CMD: smbclient-L //

Initial Foothold

Directory of support-tools:

Ran UserInfo.exe with wine and found username/password for ldap lookups with wireshark

Using ldapsearch and and ldapdomaindump discovered username/password
CMD: ldapsearch -x -H ldap:// -D ‘support\ldap’ -w ‘nvEfEK16^1aM4$e7AclUf8x$tRWxPWO1%lmz’ -b “CN=support,CN=Users,DC=support,DC=htb”
Username: support
Pass: Ironside47pleasure40Watchful

User.txt Proof Screenshot

Privilege Escalation

Used Sharphound/Bloodhound and found that support user has GenericAll permissions on

Support is a member of the shared support account group:

Imported Powermad.ps1, created new machine account, and set the account up with Constrained privileges:

  1. import-module ./Powermad.ps1
  2. Set-Variable -Name “Pentest” -Value “Pentest01”
  3. et-Variable -name “targetComputer” -Value “DC”
  4. Set-ADComputer (Get-Variable -Name “targetComputer”).Value -PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount ((Get-Variable -Name “Pentest”).Value + ‘$’)
  5. Get-ADComputer (Get-Variable -Name “targetComputer”).Value -Properties PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount


Calculated hashes with Rubeus:

Rubeus: CompiledBinaries/blob/master/Rubeus.exe

Created a ccache file with the kerberso ticket for administrator. Used smbexec to get interactive shell as nt authority\system:

Not able to move around:

Created new user wild.coyote and added to domain admin group:

Logged in as wild.coyote with admin rights

RootScreenshot Here: